How to quit porn?

How to quit porn?Many thousands of guys world-wide have benefitted from quitting porn. But, how to do it?

There are three key steps… How to quit porn?

  • First, you need to recognise if there is a current or potential problem
  • Second, you need to find a way to stop. This means getting rid of all your porn and to break the links that supply it
  • Third you need to find alternative activities to strengthen your mind, body and social life

Quitting porn is a different journey for everyone.  Every brain is unique, so the process of quitting is very individual. Some find it hard, while others can decide to stop and do so without to much hassle.

In this section The Reward Foundation introduces some tools and approaches to enable you, or someone you care for, to find the strength and determination to escape from the grip of compulsive internet porn use. We cover the full quitting porn journey from start to finish. Good luck in building a porn-free future and finding a satisfying love life with a real partner instead.